If you want to use Hoockflash Control with the “R”-Button on a Gigaset phone connected to a ATA191, you probably need to change the Hookflash Timers on CUCM to get this working. Otherwise, the “...Read More
The following information are based on the actual information on the Microsoft Docs. Source: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/sip-gateway-configure 1 Provisioning Ther...Read More
If you want to find the home cluster of an user in a multi cluster environment, you can use the same way as Jabber does. Open the following link on one of the nodes in the CUCM cluster, where your _ci...Read More
As the jabberLocalConfig.xml is encrypted in newer Jabber Versions, you cannot modify this one anymore. If you want to disable this option in Cisco Jabber globally, there is a hidden parameter in the ...Read More